My First Entry!

Posted by Jessica Hair | Posted in , , | Posted on 10:12 AM


So! This is my first blog and my first "real" website. All the years I have been in the industry one would think that I would have done all of this years ago! So welcome to my world!
Yes, I am a makeup artist and have been since I can remember. Oh how I love makeup!
The journey to here has been full of change and glitter (thank you Dakota and Puss) fun, demanding , and sometimes heartbreaking. Because getting here means I have lived and grown through life and life at times can be well, heartbreaking.
As I write this I am sitting in my apartment in Redondo Beach California where I have lived for almost the past six years. I will tell you at another time all of the other places I have lived and the experiences I have had .
Today though I want to be honest and focus on where I am today and although this is a makeup artist blog I do believe in just being honest and not making life out to be "perfect" and "beautiful" at all times.

I have two friends today who are dealing with the losses of their fathers. One of my friends just lost his dad on Saturday and my other friends family is taking their dad off of life support tomorrow. This makes me stop and think about the fragility of life, and how at times it seems unfair and tragic, sad and heavy.
So what I have done today is take care of myself in spite of the way I feel and I guess this is where the "beauty" part comes in. I know that many of us out there have days where we just don't want to get out of bed, but life beckons and we must. I find that when I have those days the first order of business is prayer and realizing that life is out of my control, other than what I personally can control which is only me and my choices!
Then I head to the gym if time permits, and I have a lot of time lately so off to the gym I go! I feel healthy and lighter after I push through that first thirty minutes of cardio, then it gets easier. I also eat healthy, most of the time, take my vitamins and get lots of sleep. This "routine" keeps me going even when I just want to stop and hide, because life must continue no matter what. I am a makeup junkie and I love looking good because it makes me feel better about myself as well. So even if it is just hair slicked in a tight pony, with conditioner in the hair and a natural face I do it! So, you do it too! No matter what pain we face in life, where we have been on the journey or where we are going, we just have today. So suit up and show up , get to the gym, put some makeup on and treat yourself with kindness today. YOU are worth it and someone else just might need you to be strong for them today!

